Just an example of increasing training load over few weeks, then changing exersized and again increasing the load periodically - then repeat. Note this is geared toward one that can relax on chest development, but would concentrate on deltoid and back.
Weeks 1-6:
(day one)
Standing one-arm laterals 4 sets of 10 reps ( 45 pounds)
Seated Barbell Press
Week 1: 4 sets 3 reps ( 205) wk 2: 205 4X4/ wk 3 4X5
Wk 4 , 5x5 (205) wks 5/6 , 5 sets 6 reps
Seated bent/rear db laterals 3x 10 ( 55)
Seated 45 pound plate front raise 3 sets of 8-12
Barbell Upright Rows 185 3x 10 reps
Incline Barbell 4x20 (225)---
--- Superset with Wide Dips bodyweight 15-20 reps
Cable flyes incline on exercise ball 4x 25 ( 45)
Pec dec 4x 15 (150)
Rope push downs 3x 20
One arm cable seated overhead 3x20
(day 2) Quads/Hamms
Single leg extensions 4x10
2/3 Barbell Squat 10,8,6,5,3 add weight EOW
Leg press 10,8,6,6 (945 21plates)
Plate Load single ham curl 4X19 (45)
Reverse Hypers 3X10 (90pounds)
Standing calf 4x 12-15 (800)
Seated calf 4x 20 (180)
( Day 3 ) Lats Bis
Hypers 3x 25
Barbell Bent Row – wk 1, 4 sets 8 reps 275/ wk 2, 4x 10 275/ wk 3 4x8 295
Wk 4 x10 295/ wk 5 3x 8 (315) / wk 6 3x6 (335)
1 arm dumbbell row 4x8 (150)
Plate Loaded T-Bar 4x8 (270)
Lat Pull downs 4x10 12-15 ( 180)
Cable curls standing arms behind 3x 15
Barbell curls 3x 12-15
Hammer Curls 4x 15

Weeks 7-12:
(day one)
seated one-arm laterals 4 sets of 10 reps ( 45 pounds)
Military Barbell Press
Week 1: 4 sets 3 reps wk 2: 4X4/ wk 3 4X5
Wk 4 , 5x5) wks 5/6 , 5 sets 6 reps
Standing One Rope Pulldowns ( rear delts) 4X10
Barbell front raise 3 sets of 8
Cable rope Upright Rows 165 3x 10 reps
Incline Barbell 4x20 (225)---
--- Superset with Wide Dips bodyweight 15-20 reps
Standing cable flyes 4x12
T bar push downs 3x 20
One arm cable kcibacks 3x20
(day 2) Quads/Hamms
Reverse Lunge 4x 5
2/3 Barbell Squat 10,8,6,5,3 add weight EOW
Overhead /Verticle Leg press 10,8,6,6
Supine leg curl 4X19 (145)
Stiff leg deads 3x20 OR
Seated zercher squats 3x8
Donkey calf 4x 20-25
One leg calf sled 3x15
Seated calf 4x 20
( Day 3 ) Lats Bis
Hypers 3x 25
Rack Deadlifts – wk 7, 4 sets 4 reps / wk 8, 4x 5 / wk 9 4x6
wk 10 ^ weight 4x5 wk 11/ ^5% 4x6 wk 12 4x8
Low Pulley row 4x8 (350)
Plate loaded row 4x8 (270)
cybex Pull downs 4x10
BB curls standing 3x 15
Dumbell seated 3x 12-15
Reverse Curls 4x 15