well fialy my kick boxing caught up with me and my left hip 2 weeks ago started to ache and hurt like hell. I give it my all and I over train at everything I do so today I had my orthopedic shoot 5cc's of cortizone in my hip area and so far so good.At class today I didnt do any kicking only mitt drills.I just wish I can pull back and take a rest but its so hard for me to say I need to rest.y therapist who helps me stretch said he has never ever seen anyone like me before because my hip flexors are so tight he has never seen anyones like that in all his years. And my hamstrings I stretch them but it seems they go right back to normal and tighten up. So I'm ging back to p/t now fpr them to get my hip flexors and hams loose and find out why I have this problem