I read and read and read on here and other places, so it's not like I don't try to get all of the info. It just seems like I read so many different things and it all starts running together. I finally joined the gym and I have gotten really excited about working out again (first time in 6 years!), and I want to do it right this time. I used to work out quite a bit back in the day but knowing what I know now, I wasn't doing it the right way. I never worried about diet or nutrition. All I knew back then was lift, protein, and eat, eat, eat. I always had good results as far as going up in weight, but now I want good results in the mirror.

I am now slowly trying to get a hold on everything from diet (when and what to eat), to cardio (when and what to do), to the correct exercises. I have learned that I can use a little less weight and get a so much better feeling that just trying to see how much I can do.

It would be really nice to live close enough to some of you guys to be able to workout along side you and actually learn something. One of the guys I workout with learned a lot from his younger brother that went on to win the Jr.National bodybuilding championship, so he knows quite a bit. It just seems like he is more worried about how much weight he is doing and screaming than actually getting a good feel. I am sure that is just his way. Anyway, I just had to vent somewhere.....now back to reading.