So I started hitting the gym up about 2 weeks ago because I took some pictures of myself and saw that I was WAYYYYY too skinny. At one point in 2002 I weighed in at 250 lbs and I am 6ft 2in. Obese much? Yea so after being a general fat ass I started cutting out soda and french fries from diet. Lost 20-30 lbs in a couple months. Kept cleaning up my diet and such and now Im down to 180. (And I did it without Subway Jared!!!)

So like i said I looked way too skinny, very gaunt. So I started out at the gym and putting a little bit of a routine together with some supplements. Can someone with some experience let me know if what Im doing is a good way to go? Obviously something is better than nothing, but Id like to see some results and I have in a couple weeks. I have to take 2 week pictures this tuesday. SO here is my little workout with my diet as well. Yes Im probably under eating which Im trying to change but to get someone who was once 250 lbs to eat more and not feel fat is a tough thing...

Start the morning off early with 2 caps of Lipo 6 because I still want to get rid of some fat. Then I have scrambled egg whites with a protein shake. My morning vitamins are 2 GNC mens multis, flaxseed oil, green tea extract and Depakote(scrip for my anger and depression, which Ive been able to cut to once a day instead of twice because I feel better )

30-40 minutes before I go to the gym I down NO Explode.
Workout: I dont use free weights because Im the only person there.
15 minutes of cardio warm up.
12reps X 3sets of bench with bare bar for warm up
pec flies: 12-15reps X 3sets
lat pull down: 12reps X 3sets
compound row: 12reps X 3sets
assisted pull up: 12 X 3
assisted dips: 12 X 3
vertical chest: 12 X 3
Another 15 minutes of cardio

Ive been working this every other day. I vary the order and weight everytime so I can complete the full reps and so I dont get used to the same thing in the same order. Is there anything I should be changing? I usually do the pec flies last because when I have done them first i seem to wear out faster. I can cheat them out a little at the end of the workout and still get the same weight lifted if i do it at the end. I also have an ab workout that is pretty simple that I do one the off days. I know what your thinking... Wheres the lower body? I dont do it right now because I have a bad knee and can walk up stairs. I can walk... just not up stairs.

Protein shake after workout. Grab another 2 lipo 6 in mid afternoon, grab another shake or bar. Dinner is usually something green like a spinich salad or brocolli and chicken. How much I hate chicken right now. I tend to eat alot more on the days I work my upper body and thats ok. I grab a protein shake, some fruit or a small piece of chicken to tide me over. If I really crack down its club crackers and peanut butter or a bowl of life cereal. Oh i have hard boiled eggs and Ill throw down if Im hungry too.

Any suggestions? Should I give myself the whole weekend off to rest a little extra? Or is going every other day like I have been ok? Can I do my ab workout every other day regardless? I was thinking I should be taking the weekend off, but Ive heard that abs recover quicker so I was wondering if i can do them every other day including the weekend. Yes Id like to have something nice going by summer.

My goals are to liquidate the remaining fat and get some defintion. I have no desire to be massive or anything like that. I want to be fit with some shape. Im 6ft 2 so i expect some size to be there. I just dont need to look like Ronnie Colman or Triple H or anything that big.
