Weight Loss and Workouts
These two are a dynamic duo in aiding you in achieving optimum health. A good weight-loss expert will recommend exercise of some sort. Because it works, says the experts at the National Weight Control Registry. After monitoring an estimated 3,000 people who had lost an average of 65 lbs and maintained their weight for more than 5 years, researchers noted several similarities among the success stories, including the fact that all exercised about one hour a day, working off nearly 3,000 calories each week.

Walking and other aerobic activities are good ,but add strength training to the mix and the results are superb. Building muscles with weights or resistance exercises gives you an edge that aerobics doesn't. That's because lean muscle tissue burns more calories than fat, even at rest. No time to work out ?Walk or jogging place or jump on a small trampoline at home while reading or watching TV.

Making changes in your lifestyle, improved eating habits and daily exercising of some sort. WILL make a life long difference. It is one thing to lose the weight but the goal should be to keep it off for life. You can do it and you don't have to do it alone. You can seek support from family, friends, coworkers or formal support groups.

If your goal is to take control of your life, then taking control of your health is a great and rewarding step. Not only will you benefit from this by adding years to your life but you can live LONG and WELL. Skip the fad diets in the end the usually do more damage than good. Healthy eating combined with moderate exercise should be your focus. Add appropriate weight-loss supplements to the combo, and before you will expect it you will be the one encouraging someone that they can do it too.