Well, what do you need more, upper or lower chest? If it's lower, then start with lower, if it's upper then you are doing fine. IMO, if you do two ball busting sets then you shouldn't be that strong on your next exercise. If you truly push the pecs past failure on two sets of any pec exercise, all your following pec exercises will suffer slightly. If not, you aren't training ahrd enough. If you need total pec developement then I'd suggest you alternate what exercise you do first each week. Incline this week, decline next week. With that said, I never personally liked decline bb. I like decline db and dips for lower pecs. My favorite is a superset of decline db press/decline db flies. That just destroys my lower pecs. I only use it about once a month. The rest of the time I just do straight sets with some kind of beyond faliure technique like rest pause, negatives or forced reps.