First, my goal is to gain muscle mass. I am going for a lean but pretty damn ripped look. What type of workout should I do? I've heard of the push/pull split workouts, total body workouts, and working a different part of your body as a whole (ex arms, legs, back, etc.) Here is what I do, please correct me if I'm doing something wrong! Oh and everything is in 4 sets of 8 or 10.

MON: Arms - rope pull down, rope hammer curl, seated 2hand overhead extension, dumbell curl, preacher curl, standing hammer curl
TUE: Legs - Squats, Leg Extensions, Leg Curls, Calf raises
WED: Chest - Bench Press, Military Press, peck deck
THURS: Shoulders - shrugs, shoulder press, lat pulldown
FRI: Abs - leg raises, crunches, hanging knee raises

If you could help tweak my workout id appreciate it! Or give me a new one to try out. Thanks!