i LOVE finishing off shoulder training with this exercise.

3 exercises/3 working sets of each---

dumbell overhead press

barbell upright rows

dumbell lateral raises

at this point my delts are pretty much toast; notice i did no front raises or any ancillary bullshit. just three mass building movements for three all out sets until failure. then

close grip bench

1x15 warmup
1x10 warmup

then three all out sets with 75% max weight until failure, with two forced reps at the end of each set.

usually goes


getting sick results with this same routine over the past eight weeks, increasing the poundage each week on each exercise. strict form is always maintained.

anyways, the point is that the close grip bench press is a fantastic mass builder and way to get your bench up. although the primary emphasis is on the triceps, you will invariably use your shoulder girdle to push the weight to some extent. it's a great way to finish off a delt workout and hit the chest as well.

is this overtraining? for some people maybe. works for me though