im pretty much a traditional lifter i guess but ive been wondering really how many sets (as a max) would be ok for someone whos not juicin and eats well in a common day? i dont let myself go over 20 sets in a day and right now im on a 4 day split like this:

i feel like without a 5 day program i cant hit all my muscles enough..i feel like i cant fit enough sets in to thoroughly work some muscles. one of the greatest deficits is my ab work..i feel like i need at least 2 times a week ab training but many times all my sets are already spent up soo i either get like a few sets of abs that dont nearly make me sore the next day or just none at all...3 sets for abs (1 exercise)usually doesnt do shit...6 sets(2 exercises) on the other hand usually gets me damn sore..yeahh i use 3 sets as a standard and maybe thats where im going wrong.
i know im kinda everywhere but im just frusturated!! anyhelp is appreciated!