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    Thread: Best compound movements for Lats???

    1. #1
      Equalizer's Avatar
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      Default Best compound movements for Lats???

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      • Best compound movements for Lats???
      • Best compound movements for Lats???

      • Best compound movements for Lats???
      • Best compound movements for Lats???
      • Best compound movements for Lats???
      • Best compound movements for Lats???
      • Best compound movements for Lats???
      • Best compound movements for Lats???
      what are some of your favorite compound movements for Lats??? Pull Ups, T-rows, seated rows, bent over barbell rows, lat pulldowns thats about all I have in my arsenal for lats, I need some help....My back is the hardest part to stimulate for me, what can I do?????

    2. #2
      chaos's Avatar
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      Default Re: Best compound movements for Lats???

      bent over rows, tbar rows, and single arm dumbell rows, are my core movements

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      president_fad's Avatar
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      Default Re: Best compound movements for Lats???

      deadlifts hello!

      mite not hit it exactley, but it works the whole back. If ur not doin those, dfe do it.

    4. #4
      geesler's Avatar
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      Default Re: Best compound movements for Lats???

      bent over rows, pulldowns, and seated wide row hit them the best for me

    5. #5
      Jester's Avatar
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      Default Re: Best compound movements for Lats???

      close grip PD's (heavy)... wide grip PD's.... wide grip pullups...... fuckin' squeeze the living hell at the top of the movement.

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    6. #6
      Equalizer's Avatar
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      Default Re: Best compound movements for Lats???

      I forgot about dumbell rows I do those as well......you know I do every other principle compound movement but deadlifts, dont know why I just never did em.

    7. #7
      chaos's Avatar
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      Default Re: Best compound movements for Lats???

      i do deads on leg day, they are great for the core, but lats are a secondary stimulous.

    8. #8
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      Default Re: Best compound movements for Lats???

      shame on this thread.

      no one mentined RACK CHINS!!!

    9. #9
      Banacek's Avatar
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      Default Re: Best compound movements for Lats???

      yes, chins!

    10. #10
      Equalizer's Avatar
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      Default Re: Best compound movements for Lats???

      what are rack chins? if you mean taking a barbell and usually a fairly close overhand grip and do a rowing movement from waist to chin while standing straight....I do those as well but do them with my shoulder workout.

    11. #11
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      Default Re: Best compound movements for Lats???

      wide grip chins

      barbell bent rows (pronated AND supinated)

      dumbell rows


    12. #12
      Shiner22nd's Avatar
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      Default Re: Best compound movements for Lats???

      Deads def. work my back the most, but in terms of "isolation" I feel it more during/after DB rows. Prob just because of the long stretches at the bottom and contraction at the top.

      But Rack Chins?.....GOOD CALL, Very nice
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      That being said.......

    13. #13
      Iron_Gook's Avatar
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      Default Re: Best compound movements for Lats???

      Chins or pullups for width. Deadlifts for density/mass.


    14. #14
      T-Man007's Avatar
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      Default Re: Best compound movements for Lats???

      The thing about the lat is it's hard to isolate them so you have to work them in a manner that puts the most emphasis on the lat itself. The movements that put the most emphasis on the lats would be extension of the humerous (bent over row) and adduction of the humerous (pull ups). Now, I do an exercise that compines both called scoop rows. I have yet to see anyone do these, besides the guy who taught them to me, so finding an example will be difficult.

      What you do is get the v-bar attachment and put it on the cable cross over. Then you kneel down between the machine and lean slightly forward (about 75-80 degress). You will be pulling the attachment from above you to below you. It's like pullovers but with a much greater range of motion and you keep your elbow almost fully extended, not flexed like most people do when they do pull overs. You will do a much lower weight than on pullovers. Keep your torso arched like you are bowing your chest out and slowly pull the attachment from above you to the lowest point you can while flexing your lats. Actually, this is a lot like the lat rows people do on the lat pulldown, but this way is much more effective. Because of the closer grip and the slightly neutral grip the emphasis on the lower lat area is huge. You will feel it right away but go light. I would say something like 30 lbs on the cable crossover to get a feel for it. If you have to move your body at all, then you need to lighten the weight.

      I do these first to pre-exhaust the lats and then do my back program as usual. I have noticed a huge difference from this one exercise because it isolates the lats so well. I'll do it for about 2 months and then take it out for a couple months so I don't get too used to it. Sometimes I will have a partner do drops for me that way I can stay right where I am and he can adjust the weith so I can step the intensity up.
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    15. #15
      T-Man007's Avatar
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      Default Re: Best compound movements for Lats???

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      • Best compound movements for Lats???
      • Best compound movements for Lats???

      • Best compound movements for Lats???
      • Best compound movements for Lats???
      • Best compound movements for Lats???
      • Best compound movements for Lats???
      • Best compound movements for Lats???
      • Best compound movements for Lats???
      PS - any exercise that keeps your elbows in close as you row will hit the lats better than one where your elbows are out wide. You will still hit the lats with your elbow out but you also recruit a lot more brachialis, rear delt, trap (scapula retraction), and the other humerous extenders.

      Another suggestion is reverse close grip bent over rows, preferably on the smith machine. This will hit the lats big time too, but the above is better in my opinion.
      I used to have superhuman powers....until my therapist took them away.

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