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    Thread: Tips for beginning

    1. #1
      Daniellyer's Avatar
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      • Tips for beginning
      Hello everyone. I’ve come here to seek advice. Looking for a decent starting workout program as well as information on how to build muscle and so on.
      Something “simple” enough to get good outcomes, as well as someone to explain.
      If you know of any useful tips about increase strength, please share them. Thank you in advance.

    2. #2
      Dominic's Avatar
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      Default Re: Tips for beginning

      Started noticing an increase in exercise performance and energy within the first week of taking vital herbal horny goat weed. I take it in the morning for the energy boost and to help get my day going. I have not noticed any negative side effects. Highly recommend!

    3. #3
      pgc640's Avatar
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      Default Re: Tips for beginning

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      • Tips for beginning
      • Tips for beginning
      • Tips for beginning
      • Tips for beginning
      • Tips for beginning
      Quote Originally Posted by Daniellyer View Post
      Hello everyone. I’ve come here to seek advice. Looking for a decent starting workout program as well as information on how to build muscle and so on.
      Something “simple” enough to get good outcomes, as well as someone to explain.
      If you know of any useful tips about increase strength, please share them. Thank you in advance.
      I've been at this for over 30 years so I could probably give you some help.

      My biggest advise would be that you do not have to be in the gym for 2 plus hours ever. Usually an hour maybe hour and a half.

      For years, and in the 90s and early 2000s I was a fairly good amateur bodybuilder, I always did a 5 in two off split where I would train one body part each day.
      Such as chest Monday, shoulders Tuesday, wed off, back Thursday, arms Fri, legs sat and off Sunday. I did that for years and had a lot of success with it.
      I found it a lot easier to really get up to train if you know you are only concentrating on a single body part.

      I've also tried 2 on one off 2 on 2 off splits. Such as chest and Tris in Monday, shoulders Tuesday, wed off, Thursday back and bus and Friday legs with weekend off. Either will work I prefer the 5 on 2 off.

      Also keep your sets reasonable no need to do 20 sets per body part.
      A sample chest workout for me would be
      Incline barbell press warm up
      4 SETS 7-10 reps
      Flat dumbbell press
      4 SETS 7-10

      Incline flys
      4 sets 8-10

      Dips weighted if I can
      3vsets to failure

      Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

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