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    Thread: Cyrotherapy

    1. #1
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      anyone ever try this recovery treatment out before? i had a session done yesterday for 3 mins on level 3 which is just short of the coldest you can do. the operator told me the next session he will give me extra time and take it to the max. felt pretty good and i will see here this week if it actually helped any.

      when i went in and mind you i absolutely hate the cold he was telling me how some people only make it 30 secs and how crazy cold it was. so in my mind i was thinking well hell what did i get myself into. after my time was up and i got out i had ice on my shorts haha and i told him man, i have been way colder for way longer and it wasnt bad at all. shit i crossed a river in the dead of winter butt ass naked in bridgeport ca before and spent 4 months in norway. so this week i will be headed back to go to the max. i am hoping this on top of all the other stuff i do will help me recover better and faster. being all beat up and worn out from prep is a huge pain in the ass, literally
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      I did it training for a fight several years back. I was always banged up and was having trouble moving. Coach took me and the other guys on the card.

      It helped for sure. Best time IMO is right after training. But my buddy swore by doing it an hour before training too. I could not afford 2x a day.

      It really helps. That with sauna 2-3X a week, benefits of cold shock and heat shock proteins. Great recovery.
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      Default Re: Cyrotherapy

      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      I did it training for a fight several years back. I was always banged up and was having trouble moving. Coach took me and the other guys on the card.

      It helped for sure. Best time IMO is right after training. But my buddy swore by doing it an hour before training too. I could not afford 2x a day.

      It really helps. That with sauna 2-3X a week, benefits of cold shock and heat shock proteins. Great recovery.
      so from what i have read and what the guy running it told me is this: for someone that trains for fighting or say a marathon type runner, using it daily for recovery is nothing short of spectacular. from a bodybuilding stand point it needs to be done on off days only and as far away from after you have trained as possible. from what he said and from what i have read, it can completely negate any training stimulus that you produced lifting for that day by eliminating the inflammation almost completely. he said that's not a bad thing for those types of sports at all and it improves their performance big time and that's why a lot of pro sports teams are starting to add it in.
      my big ass is just going to do it on my off days since i have to travel a little way to do it and i only get 2 days a week off. not to pricey where i am, the first session was under 30bucks and they offer packages that are cheaper. so i am going to give it a go for a little bit and see how it does.

      i did it on saturday and my cardio was pretty much painless on sunday and i was hurting pretty bad on saturday. so i did see some benefit for sure. we shall see though
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      Default Re: Cyrotherapy

      I've been thinking of giving it a try. I know several guys who swear by it, but I've never done it. I've been hearing a lot of talk about those cold plunges too. I wonder if that is a similar benefit? I'm guessing the cryo therapy is probably much more intense.
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      Default Re: Cyrotherapy

      Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
      I've been thinking of giving it a try. I know several guys who swear by it, but I've never done it. I've been hearing a lot of talk about those cold plunges too. I wonder if that is a similar benefit? I'm guessing the cryo therapy is probably much more intense.
      so from what i have read and what both my graston therapy lady and the dude that runs the cryo place is this. the ice bath thing is a whole different modality for recovery and it can only get so cold. the tank gets really cold and its a burst in a very short period of time. so they both work in kind of similar ways but the cryo is faster and more effective from what i gather. me personally i can not stand to get into an ice bath. the few times i had to do it for injury the trainers literally had to hold me down in the tank. i had to cross a river in bridgeport cali for cold weather training butt ass naked. which was one of the most miserable experiences of my life. i have no clue how i didnt end up with either frost bite or hypothermia. i have had to do some dumb shit in my days and now i suffer for recovery. another one i remember that just popped into my head was in iraq in the winter time. you wouldnt think that it got that cold but we set up in a hide overwatching an area where they loved to set in ieds. we were out there for about 6-7 hours motionless pretty much and when we got up to pull out, i was literally frozen to the ground. that is freaking cold, hell it snowed on us like 2in out there one night.
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      Default Re: Cyrotherapy

      I'm the same with ice water lol. I can't stand cold water. I've tried to do the cold shower thing and even that is miserable. Everyone talks about coming out refreshed, but I'm darting for the bed to bundle up under the blankets and thaw.

      I may give the cryotherapy a try though. I've heard too may good things about it.
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      Default Re: Cyrotherapy

      Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
      I'm the same with ice water lol. I can't stand cold water. I've tried to do the cold shower thing and even that is miserable. Everyone talks about coming out refreshed, but I'm darting for the bed to bundle up under the blankets and thaw.

      I may give the cryotherapy a try though. I've heard too may good things about it.
      going back in today for another treatment. trying to get it done once a week at least
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      Yohimbe i am with you. Horrible but cryo is diff. It does not get into your core if that makes sense. Ice bath or shower with cold water in the winter I cannot stand. But the nitrogen gas does not hit as hard as water even though colder. As soon as you get out you warm up quickly.

      Gonna get a session in before vacation. You can get introductory offers for as cheap as $20. I bought a package of 3 last time. If you really love it you can get a membership. Ain't cheap but you can go whenever you want.

      Float tank is another I have done I like. If you are ever really tense and stressed go do a float in a sensory deprivation float tank. It is full of water and hundreds of pounds of salt. I came out so relaxed!

      Guns, closest I can come to your stories is I once jumped in a pool when the water was high 30s. My buddies kept pushing me back in as I tried to get out. I was in there 30 seconds and could barely walk when they pulled me out. Another time I jumped in at a party when it was warmer by 10-12 degrees. Still cold as ship. I got out, held my hands up in triumph and my boy yanked my boxers down. yeah shrinkage.
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    9. #9
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      Default Re: Cyrotherapy

      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      Yohimbe i am with you. Horrible but cryo is diff. It does not get into your core if that makes sense. Ice bath or shower with cold water in the winter I cannot stand. But the nitrogen gas does not hit as hard as water even though colder. As soon as you get out you warm up quickly.

      Gonna get a session in before vacation. You can get introductory offers for as cheap as $20. I bought a package of 3 last time. If you really love it you can get a membership. Ain't cheap but you can go whenever you want.

      Float tank is another I have done I like. If you are ever really tense and stressed go do a float in a sensory deprivation float tank. It is full of water and hundreds of pounds of salt. I came out so relaxed!

      Guns, closest I can come to your stories is I once jumped in a pool when the water was high 30s. My buddies kept pushing me back in as I tried to get out. I was in there 30 seconds and could barely walk when they pulled me out. Another time I jumped in at a party when it was warmer by 10-12 degrees. Still cold as ship. I got out, held my hands up in triumph and my boy yanked my boxers down. yeah shrinkage.
      when my squad got out of the river into the warming tent to unpack our gear and get back dressed no one said shit. i am pretty sure and i didnt look but everyone had manginias. i am almost 100% sure my whole package sucked back up inside me.
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      so he did the make the tank colder trick for me yesterday and gave me the extra 30 secs. holy shit balls night and day difference in the cold. painful brutal cold but it was 10x more effective. the last 40 secs it was maxed out and the tank wont allow it to get any colder.
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      Default Re: Cyrotherapy

      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      Yohimbe i am with you. Horrible but cryo is diff. It does not get into your core if that makes sense. Ice bath or shower with cold water in the winter I cannot stand. But the nitrogen gas does not hit as hard as water even though colder. As soon as you get out you warm up quickly.
      That makes perfect sense lol. That freeze to the core feeling from ice water is miserable. I don't know how people do that on a daily basis.

      Sounds like the cryo is a different type of cold. I'm going to give it try soon. I could definitely use it.
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      Default Re: Cyrotherapy

      Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
      That makes perfect sense lol. That freeze to the core feeling from ice water is miserable. I don't know how people do that on a daily basis.

      Sounds like the cryo is a different type of cold. I'm going to give it try soon. I could definitely use it.
      see if they can do the enhanced level 3 for you and run it an extra 30sec. makes a huge difference. when i go back in this week he is going to do another enhancement trick he does for himself when he uses it for me
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      Default Re: Cyrotherapy

      I went to the cryo clinic next door and bought 10 sessions for $100. I could only handle minus 175 degrees. Damn near froze my ass off. My head was bobbin like a bobblehead. LOL

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      Default Re: Cyrotherapy

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      I went to the cryo clinic next door and bought 10 sessions for $100. I could only handle minus 175 degrees. Damn near froze my ass off. My head was bobbin like a bobblehead. LOL
      how did it do for your shoulder and stuff dzone. i am freaking digging the thing myself. well i am good for a few days considering how bad i am beating myself up right now.

      as for cost mine is 5 sessions for around 80 with taxes
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      I am gonna go by tomorrow, they are open I checked and get a session and see how I feel. Have not done it in a while. Normally I do it when I am going to be or am very sore. I am just old at this point.
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