Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
I did it training for a fight several years back. I was always banged up and was having trouble moving. Coach took me and the other guys on the card.

It helped for sure. Best time IMO is right after training. But my buddy swore by doing it an hour before training too. I could not afford 2x a day.

It really helps. That with sauna 2-3X a week, benefits of cold shock and heat shock proteins. Great recovery.
so from what i have read and what the guy running it told me is this: for someone that trains for fighting or say a marathon type runner, using it daily for recovery is nothing short of spectacular. from a bodybuilding stand point it needs to be done on off days only and as far away from after you have trained as possible. from what he said and from what i have read, it can completely negate any training stimulus that you produced lifting for that day by eliminating the inflammation almost completely. he said that's not a bad thing for those types of sports at all and it improves their performance big time and that's why a lot of pro sports teams are starting to add it in.
my big ass is just going to do it on my off days since i have to travel a little way to do it and i only get 2 days a week off. not to pricey where i am, the first session was under 30bucks and they offer packages that are cheaper. so i am going to give it a go for a little bit and see how it does.

i did it on saturday and my cardio was pretty much painless on sunday and i was hurting pretty bad on saturday. so i did see some benefit for sure. we shall see though