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    Thread: Crazy Stuff

    1. #1
      guns01's Avatar
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      so i normally train earlier in the day and dont see the masses of people. since i have been doing evening cardio during peak times i have seen some of the craziest shit i have ever seen in the gym. now dont get me wrong i see crazy all the time but some of the stuff i see blows my mind. some examples and the one dude i actually know. older guy in his 40s and a power lifter that is strong as hell. he will come in for say a dead lift day and goes straight in and puts either 315 or 405 on the bar and starts. that's his warmup coming in straight cold. does the exact same thing on bench and squats. so i asked him, why the hell dont you do anything to warmup? he says anything less than 315 doesnt do dick for him and that's where he starts at. then on the other hand he is always complaining about this and that being jacked up haha.

      another good one and i have been watching this for a little while now. pack of three young guys. they do the exact same movements with the exact same weight at the exact same time every day. i am in there at the same time 7 days a week right now so i know they are doing it 7 days a week. i can go on and on about all the stuff i have been seeing that just blows my mind. what do you guys see that blows your mind?
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      Default Re: Crazy Stuff

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      so i normally train earlier in the day and dont see the masses of people. since i have been doing evening cardio during peak times i have seen some of the craziest shit i have ever seen in the gym. now dont get me wrong i see crazy all the time but some of the stuff i see blows my mind. some examples and the one dude i actually know. older guy in his 40s and a power lifter that is strong as hell. he will come in for say a dead lift day and goes straight in and puts either 315 or 405 on the bar and starts. that's his warmup coming in straight cold. does the exact same thing on bench and squats. so i asked him, why the hell dont you do anything to warmup? he says anything less than 315 doesnt do dick for him and that's where he starts at. then on the other hand he is always complaining about this and that being jacked up haha.

      another good one and i have been watching this for a little while now. pack of three young guys. they do the exact same movements with the exact same weight at the exact same time every day. i am in there at the same time 7 days a week right now so i know they are doing it 7 days a week. i can go on and on about all the stuff i have been seeing that just blows my mind. what do you guys see that blows your mind?
      The number of guys I see day after day, year after year who always look exactly the same, like shit. I have no idea how they do it. How can you stay motivated training 6 days a week just to look the same as you did 5 years before?
      I also love the bench press spotter who constantly gets in 4 sets of upright rows. Guys, put a weight on you can actually do. Think about who you are trying to impress, other guys in a gym.

      Good luck to the guy not warming up, stupid.

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    3. #3
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      Default Re: Crazy Stuff

      I always do 10 minutes of cardio minimum before touching a weight or I would likely pull something.

      That dude must be a monster and have really good genetics to lift that much and stay "un-broke".
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    4. #4
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      Default Re: Crazy Stuff

      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      I always do 10 minutes of cardio minimum before touching a weight or I would likely pull something.

      That dude must be a monster and have really good genetics to lift that much and stay "un-broke".
      Hes not a monster with good genetics. Hes a fool who has gotten very, very lucky. All it takes is a single time he is not so lucky and he is finished for good.

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    5. #5
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      Default Re: Crazy Stuff

      Quote Originally Posted by pgc640 View Post
      Hes not a monster with good genetics. Hes a fool who has gotten very, very lucky. All it takes is a single time he is not so lucky and he is finished for good.

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      Way back around 1998, when I was my strongest, I never lifted to pile weight on the bar, I lifted for a purpose. That purpose was to develop a perfect physique, not to impress a bunch of meatheads in the gym by lifting dangerous amounts of weight.
      But, once, I decided to just see, put on as much weight as I could on bench press. I remember putting 315, as high as I would normally go. Did 10 reps. So I put s quarter on both sides, now I'm at 365. I did 7 reps but it felt like my muscle was about to rip off the bone. Do I stop there, of course not(I was 26). I put 405 on. Did 5 reps, again, on each reps i was praying my pec didnt tear. Finally I put another quarter on each side for 455. I did 2 reps and stopped. I think one more I wouldnt have lifted a weight for about 18 months.
      Now, what did that accomplish?? It impressed the dudes in the gym, thats all, nothing at all else. It also, I had the Jr Nstionals in about 20 weeks, put everything in jeopardy. I never have and never will do anything like that again.
      It is just so unnecessary. Unless you are a powerlifter where you train differently, strengthen tendons and ligaments so you can handle that type of weight.
      Bodybuilding is won on what you look like. Not how much you lift in the gym.
      I have known some top powerlifters and seen some ridiculous things. I totally respect that sport but you are either one or the other.

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    6. #6
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      Default Re: Crazy Stuff

      Quote Originally Posted by pgc640 View Post
      Hes not a monster with good genetics. Hes a fool who has gotten very, very lucky. All it takes is a single time he is not so lucky and he is finished for good.

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      my thoughts exactly and he is always complaining about being jacked up. well no shit fool, you arent even priming your nervous system for max poundages. dude can squat and dead lift 800 and is going for more. that's the scary thing
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      Default Re: Crazy Stuff

      I see so much craziness at the gym and it's constantly getting worse. Just the other day I watched this kid doing push presses and he just kept stacking on the weight. He couldn't even get a full damn rep and still kept packing on more weight. Finally his back started to buckle a little on his last set and he dropped the freakin' bar behind him kinda half ass darting forward at the same time. That could have ended so bad in so many ways, but thankfully he didn't get hurt.

      It's like common sense is starting to be a thing of the past for some folks.
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    8. #8
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      Default Re: Crazy Stuff

      Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
      I see so much craziness at the gym and it's constantly getting worse. Just the other day I watched this kid doing push presses and he just kept stacking on the weight. He couldn't even get a full damn rep and still kept packing on more weight. Finally his back started to buckle a little on his last set and he dropped the freakin' bar behind him kinda half ass darting forward at the same time. That could have ended so bad in so many ways, but thankfully he didn't get hurt.

      It's like common sense is starting to be a thing of the past for some folks.
      Lol, I have no idea what these people are even trying to accomplish. Definitely not to improve their strength or look. Maybe get themselves killed?

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    9. #9
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      Default Re: Crazy Stuff

      The best thing I ever saw was some dude was in the gym for his first day ever and loaded up the leg press machine by putting 6 plates on one side and no plates on the other side. The whole fucking leg press machine toppled over and 6 plates went crashing. The whole gym stopped and was looking at the guy. I dont think he ever wants to step foot in that gym again. Lmao

    10. #10
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      Default Re: Crazy Stuff

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      The best thing I ever saw was some dude was in the gym for his first day ever and loaded up the leg press machine by putting 6 plates on one side and no plates on the other side. The whole fucking leg press machine toppled over and 6 plates went crashing. The whole gym stopped and was looking at the guy. I dont think he ever wants to step foot in that gym again. Lmao
      seen a dude do the same thing in the squat rack years ago. smashed one of the full length mirrors when the bar flipped up over one side. he calmly grabbed his bag and just walked out. i saw it coming and it was the loudest thing i have ever heard in the gym haha
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    11. #11
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      Default Re: Crazy Stuff

      Quote Originally Posted by pgc640 View Post
      Lol, I have no idea what these people are even trying to accomplish. Definitely not to improve their strength or look. Maybe get themselves killed?

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      or crippled for life
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      Default Re: Crazy Stuff

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      so i normally train earlier in the day and dont see the masses of people. since i have been doing evening cardio during peak times i have seen some of the craziest shit i have ever seen in the gym. now dont get me wrong i see crazy all the time but some of the stuff i see blows my mind. some examples and the one dude i actually know. older guy in his 40s and a power lifter that is strong as hell. he will come in for say a dead lift day and goes straight in and puts either 315 or 405 on the bar and starts. that's his warmup coming in straight cold. does the exact same thing on bench and squats. so i asked him, why the hell dont you do anything to warmup? he says anything less than 315 doesnt do dick for him and that's where he starts at. then on the other hand he is always complaining about this and that being jacked up haha.

      another good one and i have been watching this for a little while now. pack of three young guys. they do the exact same movements with the exact same weight at the exact same time every day. i am in there at the same time 7 days a week right now so i know they are doing it 7 days a week. i can go on and on about all the stuff i have been seeing that just blows my mind. what do you guys see that blows your mind?
      There probably there to look at chicks.
      I see it a lot in LA chubby guys with tight shirts doing chest one day and back another. Maybe some cardio.
      A couple of people I know are trainers and they tell me that's the now. Well before covid.
      And some of them are even asking for test.

      He has even given some advice to some and said they have no interest in looking like him. There are burning off chips and pizza???

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      Default Re: Crazy Stuff

      Crazy Stuff
      Quote Originally Posted by jolter604 View Post
      There probably there to look at chicks.
      I see it a lot in LA chubby guys with tight shirts doing chest one day and back another. Maybe some cardio.
      A couple of people I know are trainers and they tell me that's the now. Well before covid.
      And some of them are even asking for test.

      He has even given some advice to some and said they have no interest in looking like him. There are burning off chips and pizza???
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      Default Re: Crazy Stuff

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      seen a dude do the same thing in the squat rack years ago. smashed one of the full length mirrors when the bar flipped up over one side. he calmly grabbed his bag and just walked out. i saw it coming and it was the loudest thing i have ever heard in the gym haha
      LOL!! I've seen that happen. It's like they forget there are also weights on the other side of the bar.
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    15. #15
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      Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
      LOL!! I've seen that happen. It's like they forget there are also weights on the other side of the bar.
      makes for one hell of a loud noise haha.

      i have another one that i didnt see in person but my buddy who owns his own gym showed me on security video.

      so he has this dude roll in to squat. he sets up on the outside of the squat rack granted not inside but out and puts a bench over (not a box) to do what should be some box squats off a bench. now mind you this is a regular size guy not big not tiny but normal. he puts a plate on does his thing. adds another plate and in the sloppiest nasty fashion possible erks out one rep. now that one was with 225 only and it was ugly and barely got it. what does he do? shut it down and move on? hell no he didnt, he adds on another 2 plates per side so 225-405. shaking like a cat shitting razor blades he takes his step back and as soon as his hips break it shoots him forward and the bar shoots down his back and lands on the bench bending the bar into pretty much a v. now instead of doing the right thing and letting one of the owners know that he had an accident and stupidly tore up equipment he unloaded the bar and tried to hide it in a closet. one buddy was absolutely livid and made him pay for the bar and told him if it happened again or if he didnt pay for it he would revoke his membership haha
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