Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
LOL!! I've seen that happen. It's like they forget there are also weights on the other side of the bar.
makes for one hell of a loud noise haha.

i have another one that i didnt see in person but my buddy who owns his own gym showed me on security video.

so he has this dude roll in to squat. he sets up on the outside of the squat rack granted not inside but out and puts a bench over (not a box) to do what should be some box squats off a bench. now mind you this is a regular size guy not big not tiny but normal. he puts a plate on does his thing. adds another plate and in the sloppiest nasty fashion possible erks out one rep. now that one was with 225 only and it was ugly and barely got it. what does he do? shut it down and move on? hell no he didnt, he adds on another 2 plates per side so 225-405. shaking like a cat shitting razor blades he takes his step back and as soon as his hips break it shoots him forward and the bar shoots down his back and lands on the bench bending the bar into pretty much a v. now instead of doing the right thing and letting one of the owners know that he had an accident and stupidly tore up equipment he unloaded the bar and tried to hide it in a closet. one buddy was absolutely livid and made him pay for the bar and told him if it happened again or if he didnt pay for it he would revoke his membership haha