Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
Definitely gonna try this. Calves are by far my worst body part. I've tried training them so many different ways and I can get them to grow a little, but nothing spectacular. A buddy of mine rarely ever trains his and they look like something on the olympia stage. Drives me crazy.
like i noted above man, dont go ham on this technique the first time because it will cripple you. your calves arent accustomed to working in that range of motion at all and it kills them. once you have done it and can go ham then add in some long ass loaded stretches after finishing up your reps. like it the 8-20sec range. it is brutal haha. a good one is to hammer out as many full range reps as you can to failure then do the from stretch to neutral to failure and then finish in the stretch as long as you can tolerate. that will blow them up