i dont bother with that anymore. i learned that pre workout intra workout is where it is. then you can have your normal meal 45-90 mins post workout and you are good to go. so pre you would go with a good whey pro or whatever you choose along with 50-100g of slow medium digesting carbs and a little fat to slow it down. consume that about 30-45 mins before training. during your training you consume some cyclic dextrin, eaas, creatine and maybe even some hydrolized protein. now when you finish up your training and you have consumed your pre and intra nutrition it gives you some breathing room post workout, so you dont need immediate protein and carbs. you can have your steak and potatoes and be good to go.

a lot of us that train balls out, have issues hitting that shake or meal immediately post training anyway. so optimizing that window without any stomach discomfort is key.

another one i used in the past without the pre and intra: (not for the weak at heart but does work) it consists of
1/2 gal skim milk
100g whey protein
2 bananas
2 tbl spoon pb

you blend that puppy up and start consuming it immediately post workout. it is delicious and will pack on some serious weight. kind of a pain in the ass to deal with but if you pre make it and take it with you it's not that big of a hassel. i drank mine on the way home