Keep your back healthy with these yoga poses so you can get the most out of your workouts.

“Imbalances that often lead to back pain include weak or tight hamstrings and hips and poor spine mobility,” says Clearwater, FL trainer Ashleigh Gass, C.S.C.S. “Incorporate strength moves like back extensions, Gymnastics Bodies Jefferson Curls [holding a light barbell, legs straight, roll down through spine’s full range of motion; roll up to start], and planks to strengthen the core,” she says.

On top of those moves, do stretches like the following three yoga poses to help decompress the spine and increase flexibility. Check them out.

1. Child's Pose

Begin on all fours, knees wide apart with big toes touching. Lower your butt to rest on your heels, extending hands in front of you on the floor. Try to relax your lower back as you extend through your fingertips.

Stay here for 5 to 10 breaths, breathing evenly.

2. Downward Dog

Begin on all fours, hands under shoulders and knees under hips, fingers spread wide. Exhaling, lift hips toward ceiling while tucking your toes under, straightening your legs so your body forms an inverted V. Press into the floor as you lift through your hips, sinking your heels toward the floor as far as you comfortably can.

Stay here for 5 to 10 breaths.

3. Cat/Cow

Begin on all fours, hands directly under shoulders and knees under hips, spine neutral. Inhaling, drop your belly toward the floor as you lift your chin and chest. Exhaling, draw your belly toward your spine and round your back toward the ceiling, dropping the top of your head toward the floor.

Reverse the movement and repeat, alternating 10 to 15 times while breathing evenly.