Sorry for the lengthy post..In think I conveyed what I'm after but I'm sure with a few questions you guys will get what I'm saying.

So heres the deal...this summer I really got after it on legs, deads lifts consisted of front squats, back squats, split squats, lunges,leg press, SLDL, sumo deads.etc.....not much for isolation.
I did 4 exercises about 4 sets of 8...decent volume for a all compound movement routine
After 3 months my knees starting killing...i dealt with it, then when I stopped lifting when hunting season came around I was really hurting.. I was hobbling down the stairs every felt like the tendon under my
knee caps were stretched and sore.. when I knelt down and put my knees on the ground it would be tender pushing knee cap to the floor.
Going down the stairs was the worst.

I can tell for sure I was putting shear force on my knees probably was breaking parallel with my shins..
I've have had this happen before just doing pretty basic squat , dead routine so I wouldn't look to much into all the other exercises.

I feel awkward sitting deep into squats and tend to lean foward probably jacking my knees..

I definitely have an imbalance and weakness in my core, poster chain, hips...obviously doing proper squats would be the answer but something is definitely off I need to work on.

Looking for a routine I can do for my leg day that trys to correct this from the ground up..back to basics..screw the amount if weight.
All accessory, strengthening, stretching and core stuff.

I know guns posted up something relating to this not to long ago. Exercises to strengthen your glutes/hips when workouts are causing your knees to hurt. Like thrusting with a barbell on your stomach.

So my knees healed up and I'm ready to get back at it.

Any ideas bros let me know..

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