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  • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
  • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
  • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
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  • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
  • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
  • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
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    Thread: Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?

    1. #1
      Dzone's Avatar
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      Default Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?

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      • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
      • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?

      • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
      • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
      • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
      • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
      • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
      • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
      What are your thoughts?
      Back squats do put an axial load on the lumbar spine and some say that could speed up degeneration. Maybe converting to front squats or goblet squats would be a good idea.
      As for deadlifts, I kind of think they can be done into old age without damage to the spine. What do you think?

    2. #2
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?

      man i have a group of old power lifters that are in their 60s and then some that are still benching and squatting every week. they do a lot of preventative and rehab work but they are still rocking them. they tell me they know they cant push the same weights they could 20 years ago but they feel much better moving weight properly for reps now. the one old guy still competes once a year and moves some pretty serious weight. he has cut out his comp squatting though even though he still hits them in the gym.

      i say if you can do them without pain or messing anything up then go for it. no need to move stupid heavy ass weight either just slow the pace squeeze the muscle and rep it. a couple sets of 20 or 30 with 225 will let you know your alive and blow your legs up like no one's business. hell deads will do the exact same thing as well
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      Default Re: Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?

      My dad is 62 and still squats every leg day. Albeit much lighter than he used to, but he's still hitting it. Heavy focus on his form and very controlled.
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    4. #4
      olded's Avatar
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      Default Re: Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?

      Still moving weight in squats and deadlifts at age 60.

    5. #5
      jipped genes's Avatar
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      Default Re: Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?

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      • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
      • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?

      • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
      • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
      • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
      • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
      • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
      • Squats & Deadlifts after 50, after 60?
      I had my L5 fused to the sacrum back in 92'. Doc told me DO NOT squat heavy anymore. I did and now I am paying the price. I now have SI joint probs, and L4-L5 is badly degenerated. I think some folk can get away with it but I could not. Wish I had backed off and doen high reps with low weight and I could still squat. as for front squats I think it still puts an axial load on lower back and hips just from a few degrees different angle.

      goblet squats may be OK as you can only hold so much weight that way.
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