Phone Number: 724-550-4241 Text Support: 724-557-8589

FURIOUS™: Extreme Energy Igniting, Fat Blasting, & Fatigue Fighting Power Formula
FURIOUS™ represents one of the most advanced, all-purpose energy, focus, hydration and exercise performance drinks ever created. If you’re looking for one master all-purpose training formula then FURIOUS™ is guaranteed to deliver eye opening energy, focus, and stamina like nothing you’ve ever experienced before!
FURIOUS™ takes a multi-dimensional approach to boosting workout performance with a scientifically advancedcomplex targeting all key areas required for FURIOUS™ workouts:

  • Intense Energy & Focus
  • Mood Elevation
  • Faster Body Fat Loss
  • Increased Strength & Stamina
  • Rapid Cellular Hydration

Many industry experts are already proclaiming FURIOUS™ to be one of the most complete and powerful pre-workout formulas to hit the sports nutrition market in 2014!
FURIOUS™ propels you from just another person in the gym, to a FURIOUS™ training machine by delivering full clinical dosages of Advantra-Z® and CarnoSyn®, along with several other hard hitting research proven ingredients shown to improve all areas of exercise performance!

Colada Chaos
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Booming Blue Rasberry
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Cherry Bomb
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