What do you get if you cross Phera-plex with Superdrol?

No, that's not the setup to a joke. It's an introduction to the latest - and greatest - prohormone: Mithras.

Mithras contains pure Dimethandrostenol, a brand new ingredient for 2013. Just as methylstenbolone is a "hybrid" of methyl-1-test and superdrol, dimethandrostenol is a hybrid of superdrol and pheraplex. But whereas methyl sten appears to be slightly weaker than M1T and SD, laboratory testing from the 1960s shows dimethandrostenol to be stronger than both superdrol and phera.

Mithras is stronger than anything else on the market. Inspire your own cult following with Mithras from Iron Legion.

Around ten times more anabolic than methyl testosterone, with an anabolic:androgenic ratio of around 5:1, Mithras is almost certainly the strongest designer supplement since M1T – and is set to make demi-gods of its users.

Find it here

