
Amounts Per Serving:
TUDCA: 600mg
NAC: 1,000mg

What Is TUDCA?

Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid… more commonly known as ‘TUDCA’ for obvious reasons, is found in the bile excreted by our liver and stored in the gallbladder. It is the Taurine conjugate form of Ursodeoxycholic Acid (UDCA). TUDCA is found in very small amounts in human bile but it makes up around 50% of the bile from bears. Infact, TUDCA has been used in chinese medicine for 100’s of years and before a chemical alternative was found, this ingredient was actually derived from bear bile.

Bile helps with our digestion; assisting the body in breaking down fats into fatty acids making them easier for our digestive tract to take in. Bile is made up of 4 main components; Cholesterol, Bilirubin, Bile Acids (also called Bile Salts) and of course, water. When supplemented, TUDCA is in the form of a salt and will be listed on the nutritional panel as “TUDCA (Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid Sodium)”.

What is NAC?

N-Acetyl L-Cysteine − commonly called NAC − is a supplemental form of the amino acid L-cysteine. NAC has been thoroughly studied and is widely used in both conventional and complementary healthcare.

Some of the many health properties of NAC include:

Replenishing antioxidant status
Boosting immunity
Combating addiction
Supporting mental health
Boosting brain health and reducing neuro-degeneration
Supporting heart health
Lowering inflammation
Protecting against liver and kidney damage
Thinning mucus
Boosting lung function and reducing chronic bronchitis
Improving fertility in men and women
Enhancing detoxification
Protection from heavy metals and environmental toxins
Increasing energy and exercise recovery
Improving insulin sensitivity and promoting healthy blood sugar levels