Thanks, I feel great. I have ZERO sides at 30 mg. I have decided to take a TRT break and bank up some script test for spring. I am going to run Osterine 3 weeks on and 2 off until I go back on in february. I have done my research and found that it is not supressive to HPTA (Natty test production) I will use 500 iu of HCG ed and then a light PCT with nolva.

I trust this products and will purchase more to fulfill my goals.

It will be interesting how much a low TRT dose of test effects my body comp as opposed to MK 2866. I am going to ask the wife for 2-3 bottles of this and maybe some S-4 for Xmas. If she gets it for me I will log it and my PCT.

So last night I did not go to the gym. My tube has a leak on my cruiser bike. I had to pull the whole rear wheel tire assembly drum brake (older bike) and the FINAL DRIVE. weighed about 90 pounds. I asked my 21 year old 6'2" son to help me put it back in after wrestling the tire off with my tire spoons (it was a bear). It was an odd angle to lift the reassembled unit back into place and I had to stab the drive shaft back into it's hole. My son is a young strong kid that trains every day and could not lift it into place while I tried to stab the shaft.

Skinny old man me got up under there the best I could (I used ladders and straps to lift the bike which were all in the way. redneck engineering I know but it worked.) I lifted that thing all curled up like a pretzel under the ladder and even stabbed the driveshaft by myself.

My son looked at me and said "Damn dad, you are strong!" I did not tell him about the MK 2866 and the TRT but i can tell you this.

In the few times I forget about taking my SARM I am not as strong. Feels like i can get more muscle fibers engaged or something. Pumps are all but gone.

I am going today to the crossfit gym. Today's wod is a lot of pullups, ketle bell swings, burpees with boxjumps. 10-10-10-10 reps each It is an AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) 15 minutes. I will hit it at lunch. Feeling strong. My calories are up and I have put on some mass which looks good but I am 3-4 pounds above my weight class for martial arts.

This will be a big test for me I got 9 last time. (Yeah sounds pretty easy but half way done you are gasping fro breath and slow down a lot.) I am going for 10 completed round strict form. no kipping on pullups.