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    Thread: LGD 2226 Available Now!

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      joe1313's Avatar
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      Default LGD 2226 Available Now!

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      • LGD 2226 Available Now!
      • LGD 2226 Available Now!
      • LGD 2226 Available Now!
      • LGD 2226 Available Now!
      • LGD 2226 Available Now!
      LGD 2226 Available Now!

      Despite still being in a developmental phase, LGD 2226 has become a serious contender among researchers. Like many other SARMs on the market, this compound makes big promises to build lean muscle while burning fat. Studies are still being conducted however, there is no question that when it comes to short-term benefits, LGD 2226 is backing up everything it promises.

      LGD 2226 offers a background similar to many other SARMs on the market. Like several of its brethren, the compound was created to help those suffering from one muscle-wasting disease or another. It is also being studied for its potential effectiveness with conditions such as osteoporosis. LGD-2226 being explored as a treatment option for these things can help you to understand its appeal to researchers.It works to increase lean muscle, while simultaneously burning fat. It works to make the body that much more effective at accomplishing these things. It can be particularly important to do this when an individual is experiencing a condition that causes rapid physical deterioration. It can also be important to meet such goals for bodybuilding, sports, or whatever the case may be.


      There is no question that LGD 2226 has thus far delivered on benefits. The biggest one has already been mentioned, but it is worth touching upon again. Simply put, if you need to build considerable lean muscle, while simultaneously improving bone strength, endurance, and your body's fat-burning capabilities, you are definitely going to want to learn more about LGD 2226.

      Obviously, such benefits can vary from one individual to the next. At the same time, reports and reviews indicate that virtually all researchers of the compound have enjoyed these benefits. That can be seen as an advantage all on its own. This combines nicely with the fact that LGD 2226 has a strong reputation for bringing about these benefits fairly quickly. It is not going to be very long into your initial cycle, before you start to not only notice some of the improvements that we have been talking about, but feel them as well.

      LGD 2226 works on several different levels. This is why some researchers have claimed to be completely transformed by the compound over a fairly short period of time. The compound gives you more energy, while simultaneously working to improve your bones, and how your body goes about burning fat and building muscle. In other words, while LGD 2226 can work on its own, it clearly goes into overdrive when combined with a dedicated diet and exercise regimen.

      Side Effects

      The most common side effects of LGD 2226 may include water retention, male breast enlargement, and increased anxiety. Should you encounter any such side effects, it is very strongly advised to stop taking LGD 2226 at once. Failure to do so can result in potentially more serious side effects.Beyond that, there really aren't any other known side effects associated with this compound - this can be attributed to the research being ongoing.

      Dose and Cycle

      Because LGD 2226 is still in the developmental stage, it is extremely difficult to find accurate dosage or cycle suggestions. However, for research purposes, it is suggested that male subjects research LGD 2226 at 20-30mg per day, with the cycle itself lasting anywhere from eight to twelve weeks. Female subjects should research LGD 2226 at 10-15mg per day with the cycle lasting eight to twelve weeks.

      Half-life of LGD 2226 is approx 25-30 hours.

      Those who are just starting out with SARMs will probably want to keep their cycle on the low end of that range.


      Some SARMs can temporarily supress your natural testosterone levels. Its important after your cycle that you bring your natural testosterone back to 100% in order to maintain your results made from your cycle. In order to achieve that,PCT of 4-6 weeks is suggested.


      To reiterate, there is a lot about LGD 2226 that is worth getting excited about. If clinical trials continue their forward momentum, there is every reason to believe it will be one of the strongest SARMs on the market. Certainly, it has already achieved a great deal of popularity with a wide range of researchers.

      Nonetheless, if you are still feeling rather impatient, it is easy enough to understand why. LGD 2226 seems to promise what a lot of men and women are looking for.

      This product is not for human use. This product is for research purposes only.

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      • LGD 2226 Available Now!
      • LGD 2226 Available Now!
      • LGD 2226 Available Now!
      Interesting stuff

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