The number 4 should be Pull-ups to Leg Raise. OOPS!

New stats as of Sunday morning, before breakfast:

Weight: 196lbs
Body Fat: 15% (taken by caliper - not positive the exact number is correct, but I get the same number over and over so it is perfect for showing changes at least).

A loss of 4 pounds and 1% body fat. I consider this a HUGE win for one big reason - we celebrated my wife's birthday this past week and I literally at half of a cake. It was a smaller sized cake, but still... I look forward to what this week brings in weight and fat loss!

I am still hot all the time - well, during the 12 or so hours it is active. I am cooled down when I go to bed, so I do not mind it so much. Just be aware of it if you work outside or a hot environment. I work in a basement, so it is not so bad.

The pooping has slowed down a little, still averaging about 2 times a day. Much less volume in each movement since I am still eating less. I am now only eating when hungry. If I am still not hungry enough for at least 3 meals a day, I force myself to eat that many, and supplement with a protein shake to keep my protein intake high to help reduce muscle breakdown (I also add glutamine to the shakes).

So far so good. If the weight loss continues for a second week I am going to give a provisional thumbs up. Remember, you get 45 days worth in one bottle, so roughly a month and a half, instead of the normal 30 days.