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    Thread: CybrSage's Synedrex Log

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      Default CybrSage's Synedrex Log

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      • CybrSage's Synedrex Log
      • CybrSage's Synedrex Log
      • CybrSage's Synedrex Log
      • CybrSage's Synedrex Log
      CybrSage's Synedrex Log
      Hello everyone! For those who might not know me, I will give a brief bio before I start.

      3 years ago, give or take, I found out I have low testosterone level. My natty level is 153 - yes, horrifically low. I was 45 at the time and I went through Hell trying to get myself on TRT. I finally found a good urologist and my life became good for the first time in years. I decided to start working out - why have good testosterone levels if I was not going to use them to build muscles, right!?! I started at 190 lbs and 30% body fat (sadly, that made me the guy who was in the best shape out of all my friends) and after 2 years of working out, I found myself at 190 lbs and 18% body fat. Yes, a HUGE body transformation. It was a lot of work, but well worth it.
      I then developed bone spurs on one of my vertebrae and they were literally touching my spinal cord. I had surgery to fix this (new vertebrae from a bone bank, a fusion, and lots of recovery time) and it took a year to recover. That all ended about 2 months ago when the surgeon told me to have a great life and released me from his care. I am currently at 200 lbs and 16% body fat and life is good, though I want to reduce that body fat a bit more.

      Then along comes SUPPZ looking for loggers for a new product they have, called Synedrex. Synedrex is a "powerful stimulant weight loss solution". I was uninterested at first due to the word stimulant - being 48, my body is responding worse and worse to stimulants. But then I figured, what the heck, I should give it a go. Post how I feel at 48 taking these pills, etc. Do they cause that burned out feeling? Do they prevent sleep? Do they give me shakes and jitters? SOMEONE has to run them to find out, and since I want to lose more fat, I decided that someone would be me. SUPPZ agreed with me and sent me out a bottle. Here are pics of the bottle:

      I hate to do this, but I am going to start out with a gripe. The bottle is FAR larger than it needs to be to hold the pills it contains. I understand the psychology and sales stuff involved in bottle size determination - as well as what is cheaper based on common sizes already being made at a given factory. But it is a complaint of mine in general, so I am going to complain about it here as well. This has NOTHING to do with how well the product works, so don't hold it against the product itself.

      Look at all the airspace. It had a large wad of cotton in it to keep the pills from shaking around, and a safety seal as well.

      Now onto the product itself. I actually received this on Saturday and decided that Sunday would be a GREAT day to start using it. If it destroyed my body, I would be able to lay in bed moaning about my bad choices and not have it impact my work at all. I can happily say, I had a wonderful and productive (well, as productive as any Sunday normally is) day! I took the pill at around noon (with breakfast - yeah, I slept in), which is a bit late considering the instructions on the back say "do not take within 12 hours of bedtime". YIKES! That had me worried, but in the end there was nothing to worry about.

      About 40 minutes after taking the pill I started to notice an increase in energy. It was a slow ramp up, not like the in your face hit of pure caffeine, which was nice. What I was surprised about is that my MIND also work up a lot...it seems to be working faster and clearer that it had in a long time. Yes, I should not have been surprised, since it says that would happen right on the front of the bottle. I also noticed a marked decrease in appetite...well, not noticed it as much as I had suddenly noticed I was not hungry and had not eaten for 6 hours when I realized that. I eat 5 to 6 meals a day, so that is a long time for me. Yes, it says both of those things on the front of the bottle - but seriously, does any of us actually think everything said on the front of the bottle is true? In this case it is - more on that.

      I noticed I was hot all the time now - which it says would happen on the front of the bottle (in nicer words). I am not sure if this is a negative or just an expected side effect, but am leaning towards an expected side effect. With everything it is doing, I cannot help but think my body would be putting out more heat than normal...I am overclocking it, basically, and overclocking a CPU makes it put out more heat.

      SO ALL THE CLAIMS ON THE FRONT ARE TRUE. Maybe, have to keep an eye out for the weight loss part, but since I am eating less and using more energy just to be alive, I suspect it will do just that.

      I continued to take it Monday and Tuesday (today). On Monday I took it with a very light breakfast - DON'T DO THAT. My stomach was not happy with me and I felt a little ill about 40 mins after taking the pill. I realized what I did and ate more food and it went away. It said to take it with food, just realize it should be a full meal. It could be due to my age, just a warning is all.

      All 3 days have produced the same effect. A LOT more energy, a LOT more mental clarity, a LOT more heat (I would put it at the level of a good dose of Clen - but no where near what DNP does), and a vastly reduced appetite. I am changing up my exercise routine to take into account the reduction in food, doing something recommended by Scott Herman (I love that guy), which I will post up tomorrow.

      One other thing I almost forgot to mention is that I have been pooping a lot more than normal. I suspect that will drop drastically now that I am eating less, but we shall see. I have always had gastro-intestinal issues and have to take a probiotic (PB+ Assist by DoTerra is a LIFESAVER) just to be regular...most likely has nothing to do with my mother smoking and drinking while she was pregnant with me so long ago...

      So that is the start in a nutshell. Here are my stats from Sunday:

      Height: 5'9" (I do not expect this to change - just for reference)
      Age: 48 (I expect this to slowly change all by itself - again just for reference)
      Weight: 200lbs
      Body Fat: 16% (taken by caliper - not positive the exact number is correct, but I get the same number over and over so it is perfect for showing changes at least).

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      Default Re: CybrSage's Synedrex Log

      Well, something happened to my first pic and now their site is having issues. I will upload a new one tomorrow.

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      Default Re: CybrSage's Synedrex Log

      great detail in you log man. i will def be following along here
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      Default Re: CybrSage's Synedrex Log

      CybrSage's Synedrex Log
      As promised, the first picture again:

      I can also confirm I am still using the toilet more often than before - 2 to 3 times a day. The volume of excrement has decreased (as expected due to eating less) but the frequency has remained high. I am not complaining about it, far better than not being able to go for 2 or 3 days.

      The body heat has remained as well, but it does go away after roughly 12 hours, so DO listen to them about the "do not take within 12 hours of bedtime" part, they mean it!

      Still no burn out feeling, though it now takes about an hour after I ingest the pill before I feel its effects. I wonder if that will slowly continue to increase over time - guess we will find out!

      I will do another weigh in and body fat measurement on Sunday. Weekly seems like a good time frame to do the measurements.

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      Default Re: CybrSage's Synedrex Log

      CybrSage's Synedrex Log
      I guess it just hates that first pic for some reason - so here is a stock photo that looks just like it.

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      Default Re: CybrSage's Synedrex Log

      CybrSage's Synedrex Log
      Here is my new workout routine, done daily.

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      Default Re: CybrSage's Synedrex Log

      Great details man!!

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      Default Re: CybrSage's Synedrex Log

      The number 4 should be Pull-ups to Leg Raise. OOPS!

      New stats as of Sunday morning, before breakfast:

      Weight: 196lbs
      Body Fat: 15% (taken by caliper - not positive the exact number is correct, but I get the same number over and over so it is perfect for showing changes at least).

      A loss of 4 pounds and 1% body fat. I consider this a HUGE win for one big reason - we celebrated my wife's birthday this past week and I literally at half of a cake. It was a smaller sized cake, but still... I look forward to what this week brings in weight and fat loss!

      I am still hot all the time - well, during the 12 or so hours it is active. I am cooled down when I go to bed, so I do not mind it so much. Just be aware of it if you work outside or a hot environment. I work in a basement, so it is not so bad.

      The pooping has slowed down a little, still averaging about 2 times a day. Much less volume in each movement since I am still eating less. I am now only eating when hungry. If I am still not hungry enough for at least 3 meals a day, I force myself to eat that many, and supplement with a protein shake to keep my protein intake high to help reduce muscle breakdown (I also add glutamine to the shakes).

      So far so good. If the weight loss continues for a second week I am going to give a provisional thumbs up. Remember, you get 45 days worth in one bottle, so roughly a month and a half, instead of the normal 30 days.

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      Default Re: CybrSage's Synedrex Log

      Great details man!

    10. #10
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      Default Re: CybrSage's Synedrex Log

      Still trucking along. After an initial blast of info and such, there is not much to say other than status updates. The heat is still here, the energy is still here, and the lots of pooping is still here. Now onto the stats!

      Weight: 193lbs
      Body Fat: 14.5% (taken by caliper - not positive the exact number is correct, but I get the same number over and over so it is perfect for showing changes at least).

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      Default Re: CybrSage's Synedrex Log

      Ok, good and bad news. I had to stop using the weight loss supplement because the amount of stimulants in it was just too much for me to handle at my age. I thought it could be a problem, and it was in the end, but a good run for the time I COULD handle it!
      The end results, even after that limited use, are pretty dramatic. I lost 13 pounds at 2% body fat!!
      Stat - Starting - Ending
      Weight - 200lbs - 187lbs
      Body Fat - 16% - 14%

      For those of you who are young (and not almost 50 like me), and those of you who have no problems with stimulants, this is a WONDERFUL product and I highly recommend it. It works, hands down.

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      Default Re: CybrSage's Synedrex Log

      Good to know. I might have to try this product on myself

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      • CybrSage's Synedrex Log
      • CybrSage's Synedrex Log
      that's still a pretty impressive drop in both weight and bf
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