Fish oil, especially DHA Docosahexaenoic acid Essential omega 3 fatty acid integral to the health of all cell membranes, nerve and brain function. Must be gotten through the diet via cold water oceanic fish or some very limited plant sources or taken as a supplement., is a potent brain support nutrient that is a vital building block for optimal cognitive function. As I mentioned yesterday, optimal thyroid function is also a key to healthy brain and cognitive function. An interesting study shows that fish oil can help optimize the function of thyroid hormone within liver cells to burn fat. We also know that when fat piles up in your blood (elevated triglycerides), then cognitive problems are more likely.
This study helps make the point that thyroid function is more than just an amount of thyroxine (T4) produced by your thyroid gland or taken as a medication. I’ve already pointed out in recent writing the importance of selenium for converting T4 to biologically active T3. This new study says that if your cells have adequate fish oil in them, then T3 is much more effective at burning fat. This is a synergy of function between T3 and fish oil that results in better metabolism.
I find this study especially interesting because I have seen many times over the years that individuals may need to get to fairly high doses of fish oil before weight loss kicks in, such as 2,000 – 3,000 mgs of DHA Docosahexaenoic acid Essential omega 3 fatty acid integral to the health of all cell membranes, nerve and brain function. Must be gotten through the diet via cold water oceanic fish or some very limited plant sources or taken as a supplement. (which would require more than 10 grams of some fish oil products).
In my early years I used to think this was because the body just wouldn’t give up bad fat until you put enough good fat in. Over the past decade I have believed it was because at a certain level of DHA Docosahexaenoic acid Essential omega 3 fatty acid integral to the health of all cell membranes, nerve and brain function. Must be gotten through the diet via cold water oceanic fish or some very limited plant sources or taken as a supplement. intake white adipose tissue starts working a lot better (which is true). And from this study I can predict that a certain level of fish oil intake may be needed to optimize thyroid function within cells. It also means that if you are taking a lot of fish oil and eating well and your triglycerides are not coming down, then you should take some thyroid boosting supplement with selenium in it so that you can better activate your T3.

Byron Richards, CCN