There are loads of energy drinks on the market, including those energy “shots” you can get in small bottles. The problem with most of them is that they contain caffeine, which is a drug. If you have an aversion to caffeine—or already get your quota from coffee—there are caffeine-free alternatives to spark your get-up-and-go.
CoQ10. According to the February ’11 Better Nutrition, this energizing nutrient declines with age, so you should seriously consider supplementing it if you’re over 40. It has been shown to bolster the mitochondria, which are the powerhouses of the cell, where fat is burned. In other words, CoQ10 can help your lean-machine efforts. It’s also been shown to reduce wrinkles and improve cardiovascular function. Try to get at least 30 milligrams a day.
Vitamin B12. According to the April ’11 Prevention, this vitamin is found only in foods derived from animals. If you’re a vegetarian, you definitely need to supplement it.
B12 helps keep your metabolism humming along at a good pace and is important for brain health as well as nervous system optimization—for better muscular contraction. Danine Fruge, M.D., associate medical director of the Pritikin Longevity Center in Miami says, “Fatigue is a classic sign of B12 deficiency, which usually occurs in people who don’t eat very much animal protein.” Try to get 500 to 1,000 micrograms of B12 a day.