For bodybuilders, all of this is much more than a sport. It’s a calling, a life-long obsession – a passion. And with this passion comes the double-edged sword of bodybuilding in all its glory. On the one hand, we’ve made the right decision to pursue our physique goals. On the other hand, we want results for all our hard work … and we want them fast! A bit of a catch-22. So what’s the answer?

What To Do

The answer lies in nutrient combining and maximizing the use of legal nutritional supplements . The fact is that you’re already putting everything you have into your training and nutrition program; however, can the same be said of your supplementation plan? With the list of banned substances increasing, you must make absolute certain you are taking full advantage of the powerful legal nutrients on the market today.

Listen, there are a ton of supplements out there. You know that, I know that! Walk into any health store and you may get dizzy looking at the myriad of different supplements and nutrients lining the shelves. Of all these supplements and nutrients though, there but a select group that actually work. And what I mean by work is that you can ‘feel’ them and ‘see’ a definable difference in the musculature of your physique after using them. Three of these nutrients - growth catalysts as I like to call them - that actually work are Arginine-Alpha Ketoglutarate, Leucine and Creatine Ethyl Ester.

The Power 3!

Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate

Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (A-AKG for short) is a musclebuilding compound formed when two molecules of the amino acid arginine and one molecule of alpha-ketoglutarate (a precursor to glutamine in the body and a compound involved in the Krebs cycle) are bonded. A-AKG increases nitric oxide production in the body, which leads to an increase in blood flow to working muscles and promotes nutrient delivery to your muscle tissue.1

When taken orally pre-workout in gram dosages (approximately 3 grams 30-60 minutes prior to your workout), A-AKG results in dramatic and definable increases in muscle volumization, intense muscle pumps, amazing muscle tissue thickness and road-map like vascularity. A-AKG is an absolute must for bodybuilders, as it’s one of the few nutrients you can take and actually ‘feel’ and ‘see’ working right before your eyes in as little as 30 minutes.


One of the hottest nutrients on the market today, L-Leucine (Leucine for short) is what’s called a genetically coded branched chain amino acid in scientific circles. In a word, Leucine is essential for maximizing muscle growth bodybuilding performance in and out of the gym.

Leucine specifically (and the 2 branched chain amino acids Isoleucine and Valine to a lesser extent) has been shown in research to increase the rate of protein synthesis and reduce the rate of protein breakdown in muscle.3 This is absolutely essential because protein synthesis is the basis of muscle growth. Increase protein synthesis and reduce protein breakdown and you will build more muscle. It’s that simple. That in mind, how can Leucine not be part of any serious bodybuilder’s plan?

Creatine Ethyl Ester

We all know creatine monohydrate works and in some form, must be included in the arsenal of a bodybuilder. In combination with strength training, supplementation with creatine monohydrate has been shown to enhance muscle growth.2 At the same time though, recent technological advances have made it possible to bond creatine monohydrate to other compounds, in order to further enhance its absorption. Creatine Ethyl Ester is one of these new forms of creatine, and is at the forefront in a new-age of creatine supplementation.

Formed when creatine monohydrate is bonded with an ester group, use of creatine ethyl ester can lead to enhanced absorption and retention of creatine within the muscle cell, which in turn, leads to quick, and dramatic muscle building, strength-augmenting and other bodybuilding performance enhancing effects. A definite must-have for all bodybuilders.

The Science Of Nutrient Combining

By combining A-AKG, Leucine and Creatine Ethyl Ester in specific and aggressive dosing protocols, you are maximizing the use of, and taking full advantage of, some of the most powerful legal nutrients available to you. You will ‘feel’ and ‘see’ these three nutrients as they help you gain more muscular bodyweight, increase muscle tissues thickness and promote phenomenal muscle pumps and vascularity.

You sacrifice enough in the pursuit of your ideal physique. You owe it to yourself to use the best legal nutrients that science has to offer so that you can reap the benefits of busting your butt in the gym and outside of the gym. Good luck!