Fibromyalgia patients took 100 mg per day of ubiquinol Q10 for 12 weeks, which improved their energy levels, as well as their metabolism of cholesterol.
While many factors of metabolic inefficiency are involved with fibromyalgia, one of the most important is lack of normal energy production. Instead, fibromyalgia patients make excess lactic acid, which adds to their muscular aches and pains. In order to improve muscle fitness, energy production in the muscle itself must be improved, helping guide the path to a beneficial exercise response. Ubiquinol Q10 is ideal in this situation since it provides antioxidant protection in energy-producing mitochondria and is required in the final steps of making energy.
This study confirmed that Q10 levels were low in fibromyalgia patients and that supplemental ubiquinol Q10 at the fairly low dose of 100 mg per day was beneficial. In my experience, 200 mg to 300 mg typically works better – in conjunction with gradual improvement in activity/exercise so as to recover a reasonable level of fitness and better quality of health.
