Capsules. – Simply the best 100% organic Kratom straight from Indonesia

Green Maeng Da Capsules
Longest lasting strain! Very fine grind. Quality so high this strain is in our highest rated category of Private Reserve.
Great for all you hard workers out there and getting rid of those aches and back pain.
Nothing gets you through a long hard day like Green!

Yellow Borneo Capsules
YELLOW is known for its mood boosting, energizing qualities, and pain reduction benefits and its incredible ability to reduce stress and all forms of anxiety.
I call this our social strain because its great for social related stress and social anxiety , ptsd, and dealing with people up close and personal.

Remember to Apply
Discount code: mace15 for 15% OFF +
Free shipping on Orders over 100!

These our the finest high alkoloid organic strains in 00 Capsules for a total of 550-600 mg per cap.
All Strains have recently been bio and heavy metal tested. Proven clean and Pure!


For any questions or concerns feel free to pm me.