I recently had a chance to try out straightupkratom.com – Simply the best 100% organic Kratom straight from Indonesia Green Dampar and White Elephant.

Green Dampar: I'm pretty much always a fan of Straight Up's Green strains...and this one didn't disappoint. I used about 4g just before work, lifting, and relaxing. For work, it kept me focused, while enjoying an enhanced feeling of well being. For lifting, it kept me focused on the movement, kept my appetite at bay, and was able to enjoy the pump. For relaxing, I was able to stream a few show episodes and stay completely focused on the dialogue (without an urge to pick up my phone), all while feeling completely relaxed (without feeling like I wanted to pass out). Overall, I'd say this is a pretty versatile strain...good for enhancing just about any activity!

White Elephant: I've had good luck with Straight Up's White Strains in the past...and this one is probably my favorite. I used about 4g just before work, lifting, and cardio. For work, it kept me energized and focused on my tasks, but with a smooth, non jittery feel. For lifting, I felt compelled to add a little more weight and work out a bit longer...tunnel vision on the lifts. For cardio, I was able to knock out an hour on the bike...all while answering emails and watching the news. Overall, I'd say this strain is great for energy and productivity!
