today i had PT again and the pain involved in being stretched was more tolerable, also was told range of motion and performing the prescribed exercises were showing great improvement and i am ahead of where most people are at 5 weeks post op. Have an appointment for te possible sinus infection that i believe is causing the dizziness and pressure. At 2 grams yesterday still had plenty of energy despite not eating my usual meal plan while i am on hiatus from the gym during PT and slept straight through til morning again, something i don't normally achieve until i started the green malay. as i'm certain the dizziness is unrelated to the kratom i will be going back up to 3 grams per day tomorrow. I have started measuring the green malay and putting it into a shot glass and adding about a 1/2 to 3/4 ounce dose of vodka and powder mixes completely and the taste is a non issue as it's a quick shooter and done. helps me relax after work day is over and i don't spend an hour trying to get the taste out of my mouth. Probably not the optimal way to take it but it seems to be working well. I had gone from the red vein powder to red vein capsules and liked tha better but since i am logging the powders i want to take it in powdered form.