We are looking for 2-3 FG members willing to give a detail log and review of our brand new Old Forrest Kratom.
If you are interested and able to meet the requirements please apply below.

You will receive:
4oz white hulu

4oz green malay

:You must be an active Member of the community.
:You must be able to update your log/review
3-5x weekly.
: You must be as detailed as possible. The more details the better. Please include Touchdown pics of each product. Give a review and some detail about packaging, Aroma, Freshness, dosage taken, Time taken, Mixability, Taste, Effects, Time of duration, etc.
All Products Are Shipped in Hermetically Sealed, Mylar Moisture Barrier Bags for Maximum Long-Term Quality Retention

WE DO NOT SHIP TO: Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana or Wisconsin UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES
Also, please state if you have ever used
kratom in the past and your experiences.

Thank You,
Shop – straightupkratom.com