I did force on force simunition training before. You use real pistols and rifles. (Glock 17 and AR15) Both have been made so they CANNOT accept any cartridge other than the sim. It shoots little projectile markers at between 300-650. The AR ones hurt like the devil!

We did class room training then tactical training in the shoot house. Then we had 2 man teams and went head to head. I died every time, but every other guy in my class was either former military or police and it was my first experience with it. I was at 1 kill for every 5 deaths with AR 15 and never got a kill with pistol.

I say that to say this, it is absolutely the BEST way to learn to be a tactical shooter. Sure 3 gun or other shooting sports will make you good but until you can do it under fire all that skill is diminished. In MMA we say a blackbelt in BJJ turns into a white belt when he starts getting punched in the face.

Fine a school that uses sims. You will not regret it...well the first time you get hit in a tender spot you will but then when the sting goes away you will want to do it again.