Activated vitamin D stimulates expression of the androgen receptor in skeletal muscle cells, according to a recent study by the Dutch company OrgaNext Research. Nandrolone, the active metabolite of the anabolic steroid nandrolone decanoate, stimulates expression of the vitamin D receptor in skeletal muscle cells, as per the researchers.

The Dutch scientist Lenus Kloosterboer, PhD, presented these breakthrough findings in Boston, USA, during the Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society (June 4-8, 2011).

From Starglobaltribune:

Kloosterboer: “We found that both compounds stimulate expression of their own and each other receptors in human skeletal muscle. This has never been published before and could help unravel the mechanism of action of muscle regeneration.

What makes this study unique is that both young and aged human skeletal muscle cells were used. However, the receptor expression was greater in the aged muscle cells. It is likely that the number of both the androgen receptor and the vitamin D receptor on human skeletal muscle lower as we age, which may be why muscle regeneration slows down as people grow older. It is really promising that we were able to demonstrate that the proliferation of satellite cells, also known as new skeletal muscle cells, can be triggered by the active metabolites of NDD.

The research also communicated that the combination of nandrolone and hydroxylated