If you mean how to gain weight fast and you do not mind what kind of weight you gain then the answer is easy- just eat more calories. But you are more than likely interested in gaining good quality weight i.e. muscles. This means that it will come but it will not come easy. If muscle was that easy to put on everyone would be walking around with a huge amount of muscle on them. The truth is that everyone is different and some people just seem to be able to train a few times a week and suddenly after six months they have made a massive difference. But if you are not one of those lucky few and you have been training for a while then you need to change something if you want to put on weight without getting fat. It will take a two pronged approach if you want to get the results that you want. The first is obviously your nutrition. This is vitally important if you want your workouts to put on muscle quickly.Muscle-gain weight-gain basics progressive resistance weight training bodybuilding pumping iron nutrition proteins fats losing fat
