Core training has become one of the most popular types of workouts done every day. Strengthening your core provides many health benefits for everyone. Core workouts include cardiovascular exercises along with resistance training. Working these two categories and eating a healthy diet will help you lose the unwanted belly fat that many of us have.

The term “core” refers to the group of muscles that surround and provide support to the spine which allows you to remain stable and balanced. The muscles included in this group include your Transverse Abdominis, External Obliques, Internal Obliques, Rectus Abdominis and Erector Spinae. Also in this group are your glutes and upper back muscles which also serve as stabilizers when your core is engaged. Improving the strength of your core muscles will provide you with perform many tasks much easier. You will also notice an increased sense of balance as well as overall strength.

Strengthening your core increases how well you will perform everyday tasks, whether you’re a world class athlete or a soccer mom, a strong core is will improve how well your body stay in alignment. It has also been proven that strengthening your core will help alleviate lower back pain, which many of us experience due to age and strain placed on the muscles on a daily basis. So, now that you’ve become familiar with the benefits of strengthening your core, I’m sure you’re wondering what type of exercises will provide you with the best results.

• Single Leg Squats – Squats are a great exercise to work muscles from the stomach down. Combine that with the challenge of performing them balanced on one leg is a great way to strengthen your core muscles. To perform single leg squats correctly you need to keep your knee in line with your ankle and prevent your knees from going over your toes. Keep your abs tight and try not to put your foot down.

• The Plank – The plank is a great way to activate the muscles in your lower back, abs and can even work your deltoids. To get the most out of this exercise you should try to hold the position for thirty second intervals and work your way up to a minute and more.

• Bicycle Crunch – If you’re looking for a great way to work out your abdominal muscles bicycle crunches are the way to go. To perform a bicycle crunch you will want to touch opposite elbows to knees. To get the most out of this exercise you should keep your back down and your chin up.

• Isolated Crunch – When done correctly this is an excellent way to increase your core strength. The proper way to perform an isolated crunch is to keep your lower back down. Keep your chin up looking at the ceiling. Use your hand to support your head but don’t pull yourself up by your neck, use your lower back muscles instead.

By adding these exercises to your current workout regimen you will be on your way to a stronger core and less belly fat.