Cissus quadrangularis is a traditional ayurvedic herb best known for its bone healing and rejuvenating properties. It has many additional folk uses, including the treatment of various digestive complaints and ulcers. A previous study showed a variety of anti-ulcer properties and now a new study shows that cissus quadrangularis can significantly reduce the excess production of stomach acid on par with Prilosec.
Indigestion requiring some form of symptom management is one of the most common health complaints in America. Unfortunately, the commonly used proton pump inhibitory drugs like Prilosec are like taking a sledgehammer to an important digestive process. Side effects are many, including increased risk for fractures, pneumonia, weight gain, and overgrowth of very hostile germ gangs that further complicate the original problem.
Cissus quadrangularis contains a variety of phytonutrients such as quercetin, stillbenes, beta carotene, and other flavonoids. Such nutrients help your digestive lining in several ways including preventing gastric damage, boosting antioxidant function, reducing inflammation, and preserving the capillary integrity and normal function of your stomach and digestive lining.
This new study shows that cissus quadrangularis has the ability to modulate the excessive production of hydrochloric acid by naturally inhibiting the proton pumps that are required to generate hydrochloric acid production.
I should point out that another common problem that can occur in conjunction with excessive acid is the wearing away of a patch of one’s stomach or digestive lining, referred to as an ulcer. Such wounds, when actually analyzed, are a cesspool of multiple germs including H. pylori. Cissus quadrangularis demonstrates the ability to control undesirable bacteria that can be in your digestive tract, consistent with its traditional folk use for ulcers, hemorrhoids, and constipation.
Hypersecretion of stomach acid is an abnormal situation. Plants that help balance the problem are useful tools. Cissus quadrangularis offers multiple mechanisms by which it can assist a variety of digestive problems. Since it has been ingested by humans for thousands of years it is highly preferable to man-made substances that humans have consumed for only a short period of time. Nutrients seem to come with their own intelligence, helping the body balance a problem of excess by not working in ways that suppress needed stomach acid for general digestion. While this latter statement was not tested in this current study, it is consistent with clinical observations and the general mechanism of operation of most nutrients. As an example, antacids are now proven to promote weight gain from excessive acid suppression, whereas cissus quadrangularis has been proven to help weight loss. And while antacids like Prilosec increase the risk of fracture, cissus quadrangularis specializes in healing bones.
The bottom line is that cissus quadrangularis is a safe way to help individuals combat indigestion. A basic strategy is to follow the Leptin Diet, which often clears up indigestion on its own. Digestive enzymes can also be helpful, as is taking friendly flora and increasing fiber intake – while getting the sugar, excess alcohol, and junk foods out of your diet.
It is a fundamental principle of good health to figure out ways to get and keep your digestive system in tip-top working order. Many extremely adverse health issues, including autoimmune disease, thyroid conditions, heart disease, and many types of cancer actually begin festering and manifesting as annoying digestive symptoms that eventually have systemic side effects. Ignore the red flags at your own peril. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
