The importance of the healthy balance of foreign inhabitants within your digestive tract to your general health and well being cannot be understated. New research has shown that a type of friendly flora known as lactobacillus produces an enzyme called lactocepin which can quickly degrade inflammatory messages within your digestive tract.

While the goal of this research is to help individuals improve various inflammatory conditions of the bowels, such as irritable bowel syndrome, the research finding has wide application value to everyone. It is now recognized that imbalances within your digestive tract start the illness ball in motion based on increasing inflammation. While such inflammation starts out in your digestive tract the signaling molecules of inflammation can readily communicate to your general immune system, causing widespread confusion and setting off a decline of optimal health.

In fact, an imbalance of friendly flora can have a profoundly negative effect on your metabolism and actually be a primary cause for weight gain and difficulty losing weight.

Antibiotics, high sugar diets, low fiber diets, and too much alcohol are the most common causes initiating digestive imbalance of friendly flora that produce lactocepin. While it is currently not known which strains of lactobacillus produce the most lactocepin, it is fairly clear they do, since so many people notice significantly improved digestive health from consuming friendly flora, including the intake of yogurt.
