A just published one year study of resveratrol supplementation in patients at high risk for cardiovascular disease found that resveratrol lowered multiple markers of inflammation (including CRP by 26 percent), as well as reduced clotting factors associated with stroke. It boosted adiponectin, which improves insulin function and reduces insulin resistance. The researchers stated that their results showed for the first time that resveratrol could complement the gold standard therapy in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.

The results of this triple-blind, randomized, parallel, dose-response, placebo-controlled, one year follow up trial were published in the American Journal of Cardiology. This new human study supports and confirms the extensive review of resveratrol as a cardiovascular mainline treatment that I reported on yesterday.

The dose of resveratrol in this study was not even very high. It was 8 mg for the first six months and 16 mg for the next six months. Daily doses of 100 mg to 600 mg of resveratrol are in widespread consumer use and have been for years.
