Bruce Lee was an amazing martial artist, despite his short career. And if you do some of the same things that made him great, you'll be able to vastly improve your own martial arts abilities. Though you might not get as good as Bruce, if you work on these ideas you'll definitely improve.Develop Great CardioBruce Lee went running every day. Sometimes it was jogging, sometimes sprinting. And he also practiced a ton of martial arts, and did shadow boxing regularly!So, Bruce was in phenomenal shape. He made sure that he wasn't just more skilled and more muscular than his competitors, but that he was also in way better shape than them. Bruce became obsessed with conditioning after a challenge he received where his opponent ran away, and Bruce had to chase the guy down. After several minutes Bruce chased him down and beat him, but Bruce was ashamed of how out of shape he was, and how much effort it took to win against his unskilled opponent.To develop the same kind of ability, I'd add running to your regular workout. Better yet, do some cardio exercise that is closely related to your marital art.bruce lee fitness bruce lee workout routine bruce lee fighti
