Intro: Acne scars can be annoying and unsightly, and can wreak havoc on your self-esteem and confidence. Knowing that scars are part of the body’s natural healing process which isn’t a a bad thing, certainly does not help matters when we look in the mirror and see acne scars marring our complexion.

Scars are formed: When the body creates new collagen fibers to repair wounds and damaged areas of the skin. Acne, particularly acne that has become an inflamed lesion, or has been squeezed or picked at, can cause mild to severe scarring that may require professional acne scar removal treatments in order to improve the appearance of the scarring.

Acne scar removal can be used on both depressed scars, which is the most common type of scars from acne, and raised scars, which form when the body produces excessive collagen during the healing process. Part of the reason acne scarring can be very visible is due to these differences in elevation, which cause shadows that can make acne scarring appear more prominent than it actually is. By evening out the dermis through acne scar removal treatments, these shadows are eradicated and overall skin texture and appearance improves.

Some skin discolorations that remain after blemishes have subsided are not scars, but rather macules or post-inflammatory pigmentation, both of which will fade over time and do not require removal efforts. It is important to make the distinction between these discolorations and permanent acne scars prior to seeking acne scar removal in order to avoid wasting your time and money on expensive appearance-enhancing procedures that may not be required. Seeking the advice of a dermatologist is the best way to determine the appropriate course of action for your particular situation.

Treatment Options

If professional acne scar removal is in order, there are a number of options to choose from that range from minimally-invasive to ablative procedures that require significant healing and downtime. In some cases, the appearance of mild to moderate acne scars can be improved through the use of topical medications or at-home microdermabrasion kits; however most acne scarring will require a resurfacing procedure or a combination of surgical procedures and resurfacing procedures to obtain the desired results.

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Dermal Fillers: made from human or animal collagen, fat, hyaluronic acid or synthetic materials can effectively improve the appearance of some depressed acne scars and are generally more affordable than surgical or resurfacing procedures used for acne scar removal. By injecting dermal fillers into the acne scars, the texture of the skin can be smoothed, leaving a more uniform, enhanced appearance. Dermal fillers are not a permanent solution and maintenance injections will be needed to continue to experience improved skin texture.

Chemical Peels: are another option for acne scar removal that is an effective method of removing the top layers of the skin to allow for healthier, smoother skin to come to the surface. This form of scar removal is effective for areas of hyperpigmentation and can improve skin texture by reducing the appearance of, or eliminating, acne scars. Procedures using Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) can also improve the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

Resurfacing Skin: Resurfacing of the skin through the use of lasers or manual dermabrasion is generally considered the most effective way to reduce or eliminate acne scars and can be used in conjunction with punch incision, elevation or grafting procedures to further enhance acne scar removal. Skin resurfacing can be accomplished through ablative laser-assisted procedures, or manually through microdermabrasion or macrodermabrasion. Ablative laser resurfacing procedures use laser light energy to remove the top layers of the skin, while macrodermabrasion procedures use a rotating wire brush to remove the upper layers. Microdermabrasion is performed with very fine aluminum oxide crystals as the abrasive material and is much milder acne scar treatment. Non-ablative laser treatments can also improve the appearance of scarring; however, because this procedure does not remove the top layers of the skin, it is not as effective with more severe cases of scarring.

Laser skin resurfacing procedures and macrodermabrasion must be performed by a board-certified physician trained in the use of these instruments; however, microdermabrasion, which only removes the surface skin and requires several treatments before seeing results, can be performed in a spa setting by an aesthetician or other spa professional.

Punch excision, elevation and grafting are surgical procedures that use a punch biopsy tool to correct individual acne scars. The tool is used to punch out the area, which is then sutured, in the case of punch excision; replaced with a skin graft, in the case of punch grafting; or elevated and sutured to the top of the scar walls in punch elevation. These procedures are often followed by skin resurfacing treatments to further enhance acne scar removal and smooth skin texture and tone.