Researchers worked with 37 men, average age 71, to determine the ideal dose of whey protein following resistance exercise for maximal muscle response. They found that a dose of 40 grams of whey protein following exercise produced maximum muscle response.

The researchers found that a dose of 10 grams had no response and a dose of 20 grams had a good response, but not as good a response as 40 grams. Their data suggested that 20 grams of whey protein could help stimulate muscle use even in the absence of exercise. However, if an elderly man also did some resistance exercise to build strength, then a dose of 40 grams following exercise helped his muscles respond better to the exercise.

I have long suggested that your basic daily protein intake should be ½ of your ideal body weight in grams of protein per day. That amount should increase to ¾ of your ideal body weight in grams of protein per day if there is demanding physical activity such as intense competitive sports or significant weight lifting.

While this study focused on elderly men, whey protein can help anyone have improved muscle response to exercise.
