Acetyl-l-carnitine (ALC) is a top nerve healing and rejuvenating compound. In this animal study ALC was fed for two weeks and then sciatic nerves were intentionally injured. In comparison to controls those that had the ALC healed much better.

ALC demonstrated enhanced nerve regeneration and less nerve cell death. While this study points out help for a specific nerve that is commonly injured and inflamed in humans, the mechanism of action is likely general to all types of nerves. In fact, other studies on ALC shows that it help to activate something called vitagenes. Vitagenes are key players in longevity as they go into action when your body is under stress, so as to prevent the stressful condition from causing too much damage. ALC is a potent activator of a number of vitagenes, causing an anti-aging effect while preserving body tissue – especially nerves.
