I know there is about 500 threads on all this substances, and yes Ive read the profiles, but first hand experience as we all know is the best. I will be starting my first cycle in a week from today. It is as follows.

1-4 25mg Dbol ED (Good ol' IP)

1-10 500 mg Test Enthanate (QV)

1-10 400mg EQ (QV)

I also have 100 25mg T3 tabs.

My question is now that I have my gear what should I buy as far as Clomid, nolvadex and liquidex. And when do I use these? I know clomid should be taken post cycle, liquidex during, but what about nolva? And what are the doeses and timespans to be using them. Is HCG the way to go for keeping gains?

As always thanks everyone, Soc