I have decided to keep a log of my journey to a leaner and stronger me. I have another thread here that just kind of started out talking about losing weight and what not. This will be a more structured journal to keep track of my weights and the strength side of things. I am going to use this to keep up with my progress and keep me motivated along the way. I started training 2/21/11. I had been out of the gym for a while and gained a ton of fat along the way (in addition to what I already had). So I finally made it back into the gym after dieting a bit on my own since December.

My main goal that I am working on right now is to get to 10% BF and I will be happy with whatever weight I am at when I get there. I have NEVER been lean and I decided that is where I want to be. I am 5'8" and when I started this whole process, I was 192lbs and about 24%BF!! As of right now, I am staying steady at about 173lbs and around 16%BF...judging by my calipers and a digital BF. So I started my lifts on 2/21/11 and I have logs for every workout since, but don't want to enter all of those now. So, what I am going to do is list my weights the first night I started, and the weights that I have done this week. Then I will start keeping up with it weekly.

Oh yeah, I just started back so these weights will be MUCH MUCH lighter than what you guys are used to around here!! But I am working on that.

Sumo deads 185 for 2x5
Dimel deads 135 for 2x10

Guillotine Press 115 for 2x5
DB Flat Bench (hammer) 30s for 1x20

Paused Squats 115 for 2x5
Leg Press 208 for 1x20

Sumo deads 225 for 2x5
Dimel Deads 175 for 2x10

Guillotine Press 135 for 2x5
Db Flat Bench (hammer) 40s for 1x20

Paused squats 175 for 2x5
Leg Press 368 for 1x20

One thing is the weights I used the first week may have been a little light (not much really) but I was trying to get the techniques down and what not. I obviously do accessory work in addition to these but I don't want to post up the entire workout, so these are the main two lifts each day. I have strength goals as well but the BF is the main goal.

My strength goals would be:
Bench:225 (always been weak here so I don't want to set the goal too high)

Anyway, I hope this journal is formatted pretty good. I'll begin adding weekly starting next week as today was my last lift day this week.