What provides you the most "Bang" in your nutritional
approach to maximizing fat loss?

#1…Replace all your starchy carbohydrates
(potato, rice, cereals, breads, pasta and corn)
with vegetables (green, red, yellow, orange).

#2…Increase your activity

#3…Find a way to increase it even more

#4…Slightly reduce calories.

FAT LOSS comes from two primary functions…

#1…Energy expenditure, hence the reason for
my mention of increasing activity levels.


#2…Controlling circulating blood sugar levels,
hence a reduction of complex carbs and an
increase in vegetables (fiber based carbs).

Ok, so you want a rocket fuel injected metabolism...

~ Thermic effect of food (TEF) causes your
body to burn calories. The more often you eat, the
more protein you eat...the more calories your body

~ Stave off hunger pangs...eating frequently or
within smaller daily blocks of time will help control
the hormonal response in your body that triggers

~ Smaller meal sizes....portion control baby!

~ Regulate your blood sugar and insulin levels....
no BIG ups and down in blood sugar. This prevents
excessive amounts of insulin (storage hormone)
and keeps you sane from up and down hunger

~ Better food's not the food you
eat, but the food you absorb that matters. Eat
whole, unprocessed foods as much as possible.

~ Promote lean muscle....a balance of blood
aminos promotes the building of lean muscles.
The more muscle you have, the more calories
you burn…..”24/7/365”.* So eat your protein!

Food selections....

You should be choosing minimally processed
foods and more whole foods (organic when possible).

Whole foods such as...

~ Lean meats (grass fed when possible)

~ Fish and seafood (wild caught, not farmed)

~ Eggs (yolks are ok, especially organic omega-3 eggs)

~ Fruits

~ Vegetables

~ Nuts and Seeds

~ Beans

~ Whole grains (if at all, do so in moderation and
sprouted grains when possible)

Blood sugar, protein, glucagon, insulin, satiety,
blood aminos, nitrogen retention, yada, yada.

What’s it all mean and why’s it important that you
get these working for you?

All foods (carbs, protein, fat) have an effect on
insulin and blood sugar. Out of those three,
carbohydrates elevate circulating blood glucose
levels much more than the others.

In response to that increase, your body secretes
a hormone called insulin to “pull” that sugar from
your blood stream and distribute it to your muscle
cells and liver for use at a later time.

Depending on the amount and type of carbohydrates
in that meal will dictate how much blood sugar raises
and therefore how much insulin is released into your
blood stream.

High circulating blood sugar and high circulating
insulin levels trigger your body to release a cascade
of hormones responsible for STORAGE….and I don’t
know about you, but that’s not what I’m after.

Hopefully you’re after a process that enables your
body to release fat for energy, not store it.


There you go...I hope those down and dirty tips
helped reinforce some positive food choices.

Stay Strong~~!!!