Chael Sonnen has NOT been suspended from the UFC and will be back in action as soon as possible, according to his manager.

This contradicts reports that UFC president Dana White put Sonnen on ice while he awaits sentencing on a charge of money laundering stemming from a 2006 real estate transaction. Sonnen has already agreed to a $10,000 fine and surrendered his realtor’s license. He faces two years on probation.

“He was never suspended. Dana just thought it would be in Chael's best interest to get his life together and get everything cleared up in his personal life, that when he comes back to fight, it's going to be all about the fight. I can't talk anything on the legal stuff honestly, I'm not his lawyer, I have nothing to do that,” Mike Roberts told MMA Fighting.

“All that stuff is being worked out, but no, I don't think you'll see him in jail, but all that stuff is still being worked out. His career is not over. It's far from over, I can promise you that. This is just going to get Chael more time to get better and when he comes back he's going to be coming back with full intention of getting that belt.”

Sonnen did not have a good year in 2010 and his woes are continuing into 2011. After facing Anderson Silva at UFC 117 for the middleweight belt, Sonnen was left with nothing when the four and a half round beating he put on the champion came to naught because of a last minute triangle choke.

Then he was suspended for use of illegal substances. That suspension was subsequently altered to one for failure to disclose use of medicines as Sonnen was able to show he was undergoing testosterone therapy. He had his 12 month suspension halved on appeal to the California State Athletic Commission.

Having to enter a guilty plea to the charge of money laundering has only compounded his woes. Sentence is due to be passed in March but he will no longer be able to work as a real estate vendor and it is unlikely the UFC would put him in for a title shot in 2011, for political reasons if nothing else.
I guess this is good news for Sonnen. I don't see how anyone can be taught a lesson if you don't punish them, but it's their decision.

I predict we see Sonnen and Wandy as the TUF coaches for the next season. Sonnen can sell any fight. Everyone loves Wandy. And there is already some beef between the two.